Rhinoplasty Montreal nose jobs Nasal Surgery guide

A surgery done on the nose, either to proper its functions or to correct its shape is known as a Nose Job or Rhinoplasty. This is sometimes done due to medical defects such as if breathing problems occur because of the nose of some may opt to get it done because of cosmetic issues in order to proper its shape and structure.

If you are someone who is deciding on to get a nose job done, you must first consult a surgeon to discuss in depth about its pros and cons. Different people have different skin types and each one possess different qualities, your procedures may differ from others because of different concerns and the recovery period will not be the same either. Keep in mind to have an open discussion with the surgeon about what you want to change and the reason for your concern. This way he will be able to help you aptly.

Other factors are also taken into consideration before making a final decision. Though it is a nose job but your overall health is also taken into consideration and the surgeon will also let you other major aspects such as the recovery time, costs involved in the procedures, after effects if any etc. There are a number of ways that can be used to do a nose job, and after you are ready to undergo the procedure of nasal surgery. Looking to undergo Rhinoplasty in Montreal ? There are a number of choices available to carry out this procedure. You can also get this procedure insured if you have health insurance, but make sure to know all the details beforehand, what is covered and the benefits that you will be able to enjoy.

Further Details

The patient will not have to stay at the hospital during the night as this type of surgery doesn’t need an overnight stay and discharge is being generally given after a thorough examination of the after surgery condition and prescribing some medications in case there is a need for them. Anesthesia is being used to name your nose numb or you may be put to sleep during the procedure. The inner bones and cartilages are being worked on and the surgeon fixes them to give proper functioning to the nose and also to reshape it.

After the surgery the doctor sometimes may recommend a nose splint to some patients and it should be used for the first week after the surgery is being done. A patient can expect some swelling and in some cases bruising also occurs around the eyes, but they improve almost after three days of the procedure. Discomfort can be felt for up to two weeks of time. However, a patient must expect a recovery time of around 6 months. Some sort of swelling might be present but it will be noticeable, and only you or your surgeon will be able to figure this out. The final result will be felt and also the appearance will change after it has been properly healed.

Common myths about Breast Implantation

Whenever we talk about breast implantation, numerous misconceptions runs in everyone’s mind such as do they look fake? Do I have to do breast implants in every ten years? So we have put some of the most common myths about the breast implantations.

Breast implants lasts for only 10 years.

This is one of the biggest myths about the breasts implantation which is just rootless. If the saline leaks, it will deflate after a few days. If your silicon is not successfully implanted, the silicone gel will be contained within the scar tissue capsule but the volume of the breasts will remain the same. But you may feel discomfort in your breasts and may look little different.  But if you have successful breast implantation then there is no need for routine replacement. If you want to replace saline to silicone gel then you have to visit the operation room again.

Recovery from breast implantation is very painful.

The time period for full recovery varies from patient to patient. Most of the Breast Implants Montreal patients are able to move and take care of themselves. They can easily return to their daily work routine within a week. Pain can be easily managed with some rest and pain relief medicines. Wearing surgical bras for the first week is recommendable for providing extra support.

Breast implants can cause breast cancer.

This is really a false statement. There is no single medical evidence which says that women with breast implants are more prone to develop breast cancer. There have been various studies and experiments which prove that whether it is saline or silicone implants, both are absolutely safe. But it is advisable to get regular breast to examine and regular self-examine their breast for lumps and other complications.

New mothers can’t breast-feed the baby if they had breast implantation.

This is another rootless myth about breast implantation. Breast implantation normally does not interfere with breastfeeding. The breast implants are inserted beneath the chest muscle or under the muscle tissue which does not affect the breastfeeding. There are no harmful chemicals which can be toxic while breastfeeding.

Breast implants look fake and huge.

This is a misconception about the breast that the implants look fake. Your doctor will help you to choose the correct size for your implantations. Breasts implant looks beautiful and natural with the proper size. But your breasts will not look perfect immediately after implantation. The implants will be higher due to swelling but after healing they will look perfect and beautiful.

The saline implant is safer than silicone.

Bother saline and silicone implants are safe. They both have their own merits and demerits. However, the patients who had both types of implants usually prefer silicone over saline in terms of look and feel.

Any cosmetic surgeon can perform breast implantation surgery.

Cosmetic surgeons are not plastic surgeons. Only board certified plastic surgeon can perform breasts implantation surgery. Breasts implantation surgery seems simple but only a plastic surgeon can provide you the satisfactory results.

Breasts implants improve the proportions and provide you confidence in your looks and appearance.